Direct Marketing Dollars and Sense

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Introduction: Welcome!

This blog was originally intended as a training and orientation tool for my personal team members however I have also wanted to include my associates and affiliates because I believe that they also would gain from my experiences in business development through personal networking. (So I'll try to keep the Mary Kay "Rah Rah" to a minimum -but you do have to put up with the pink layout, sorry.)

In this blog I'll try to keep my thoughts organized to some straightforward subject categories:

Getting started: How to consume this blog and get into business.

Industry Notes: My views on the overall industry and suggestions as to how to maximize your experience within the industry.

Making Connections: The ABC's of getting out there and connecting your business to the people who will make you successful.

Recruiting: My opinions and suggestions on building a team.

Terms & Definitions: As needed notes on terms that I will use within the blog. (I will use third-party, public resources (like Wikipedia) whenever possible and make the notation "{Informal}" when I have to make it up.)

As we go along I'll keep the entries linked to one another so that you can follow my train of thought.

Please email me with suggestions and comments and feel free to share your experiences.

Above all, BE SUCCESSFUL. It pays.

Love, Tony.